Friday, December 1, 2017

NCEM EF Christmas Party

It's always nice to get together with our colleagues! This year we gathered with many of our ministry colleagues and invited the ANBC advisory team families to join us as well!

Gotta love a pot-luck. 

And of course the "White Elephant" gift exchange. 

It was great fellowship!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Chipman Christmas Parade

It was a pleasure to be able to take part in the Chipman Christmas Parade this year with all three of ANBC's vehicles. We distributed Gospel DVD's, Bibles and Gospel Literature. It was also great to be able to partner with Chipman Forest Avenue School to collect non perishable foods for the Chipman Community Care.

Some of the Hubick family and all of the Strout family joined us as we distributed Gospel materials. Grant drove the #CampTruck

Ed Small drove #BigBlueVan pulling the High School float while students from the school collected non perishables for the food bank.
Kyle drove #MiniVan.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Christmas Craft Market

The Christmas Craft market is a fundraising project that we run every November. This year the proceeds went toward the purchase of round tables for our dining room. We have found a set of tables that we will be able to purchase second hand for a fantastic price in August of 2018. The Craft Market was a wonderful success again this year!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Christian Camping International Canada Conference

CCI holds an annual conference for Bible Camps to meet and look at issues facing Bible Camping in Canada. It's always a great opportunity to get together and discuss important topics, but also to fellowship with other camp folks and learn together. This year the conference was held in Guelph, Ontario.

Always great to hang out with these guys. 

Some camp dudes from the "Far East" 

Enjoyed some entertainment too!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Parkers Cove Baptist Church

We have been blessed to be able to take part in the Parkers Cove Baptist Church Mission Conference. It was an even greater blessing to be able to be present there with the Hubick family as they shared of their ministry as well. It was a blessing to share about our ministry and open the Word with folks on Sunday morning.

The Hubicks ministered in song! 

Kyle shared about his internship with us at Arrowhead.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fall Work Week

It is only by the hard work of our volunteers that we see so much accomplished at ANBC to care for our property and grounds. We are always immensely blessed by those who come to serve the Lord with us in this way. 

Got some fresh stain on "The Nest Chalet" 

We love it when young folks come out! 

This man has been such a huge blessing to Arrowhead, he comes every year and services all of our vehicles and small engines. He is humble and wants no recognition, but his servants heart is a treasure! 

Our buddy Matt got sticky feet on this one!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Circle Summit 2017

This years Circle Summit was a fantastic conference; loaded with great fellowship and excellent teaching. If you missed it, you missed a wonderful time. We enjoyed sessions dealing with "Hurdles" that can exist in cross-cultural ministry.

At Arrowhead it is our hearts desire to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and fully proclaimed to the First Nations people of Atlantic Canada. In the book of Matthew the great commission was given to the local church, as Christians we have a burning desire to see the gospel communicated and to see people come to repentance and faith in the God of all creation. There are so many things that can complicate the effective communication of God’s Truth, that it is not only worth our while; but an exercise in obedience to examine just how we can ensure that when we proclaim the gospel, that it is being understood clearly.

It is our desire for the Circle Summit is that it will give us an opportunity to examine just what is involved in obeying the great commission in a cross cultural setting, and doing so in a way that is as glorifying to God as it is effective.

We were joined by a number of speakers who walked with us through some vital discussions, and challenged us to consider just how we might be most effective and faithful to the Great Commission, locally; cross-culturally!

If you missed the conference - all of the sessions are available online at no charge. Simply visit this link:

Here was our line-up for the conference:

  • “easy believeism and it’s impact on cross-cultural missions” with Steve Mollins
  • personal narrative: a time of testimony with Venus Cot
  • “the impact of social ills on gospel ministry” with Martin & Sue Bear
  • “colliding cultural value frameworks” with Mark Dana
  • “the impact of syncretism on the gospel” with Jason Boucher
  • “the impact of ethno-centricity and prejudice on gospel transmission” special guest panel
  • personal narrative: a time of testimony with Chester Dana
  • “fatherlessness” with Frank Ward
  • “the balance of orthodoxy and orthopraxy in mission” special guest panel
  • personal narrative: spiritual warfare with Phil Welch
  • personal narrative: practical experience in cultural collision with Carroll Hill

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Calvary Baptist Church Missions Fellowship

One of the aspects of our ministry is connecting with and giving ministry updates to Church and mission groups. We do so on behalf of Arrowhead as well as ourselves. It is always a blessing to be with the folks at Calvary Baptist Church in Miramichi. This particular visit Kyle had an opportunity to share about the ministry he is involved in at Arrowhead as well.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

North Broadway Baptist Church Mission Conference

Kyle and I made our first road trip together to Tilsonburg, Ontario. Arrowhead was invited to come to the missions conference at North Broadway Baptist Church and share about ministry among the First Nations people of Canada.

It was an immense blessing to be with the folks at the church and enjoy their enthusiasm for Gospel Mission. We look forward to ministering together with them in the future.

Sorry for the blurry picture, here's a quickly taken shot of Kyle chatting at our table during the conference.

Our return trip allowed us to connect with Marcus & Kameron Cook, who followed us back to NB for the Circle Summit. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

An Intern at Arrowhead

We are very pleased to announce that Kyle Hubick has been accepted as a one year intern at Arrowhead Native Bible Center. Kyle will work with me (Grant) directly and be involved in every area of our ministry; administration, maintenance, planning, facilitating and operating our summer camp programs, conferences and social media. In addition to being exposed to all of the administration and function of the ministries at Arrowhead he will be assigned a number of books and a cross-cultural communications course as a part of his internship. Kyle will also be responsible to assist with a kids club and teen discipleship program at St. Mary's First Nation.

We are so excited to have Kyle moving here to work with us for this year. We would ask that you pray for Kyle as he prepares to come and after he arrives. Kyle will be living in "The Nest" cabin right here at Arrowhead, but he will need to raise $1200 a month of support to cover his expenses (ministry travel, accommodations, food etc.). Would you consider committing to support Kyle for a year as he serves at Arrowhead? Will you pray for the ministries here at Arrowhead and for Kyle as he interns?

Sunday, September 17, 2017

NCEM General Conference 2017

This year marked the return of the NCEM General conference at Wilderness Edge Conference Center in Pinawa, Manitoba. We took the opportunity to visit our friends at Faith Bible Church of Winnipeg on our way through to Pinawa.

It is always a pleasure to connect with our mission family; to be able to do that with everyone at once is a nice opportunity. We enjoyed connecting with old friends and getting acquainted with new ones.

Ivy and Willow met this friendly RCMP officer. 

Jason Boucher, Lucas Gabrielson and I (photobomb: Tim Whatley)

Albert and Barb Heal... lovebirds.

We all had opportunities to give reports to the mission family about our ministry centers. Here is Mark Dana reporting on Kwaya Kotage.

Ruth was pleased to be the short one in this photo. 

Our dear friend Jan Sassmannshausen.

Friday, August 25, 2017

ANBC Summer Camps 2017

Our summer camps are a huge part of the ministry at Arrowhead — and we love every minute. This year was no exception, there were blessings and trials, challenges and triumphs. God was at work and we laboured to encourage the staff to be submitted fully to serving the Lord!!

Thank you for your continued support in prayer and finances. Without your faithfulness we would be unable to continue to serve the Lord here at Arrowhead.

Staff Training
Every year we build into our volunteers by striving to equip and enable them for ministry—most importantly we draw our attention to the centrality of Christ to both our message and our labours.

We were blessed this year to have Marsha Boyd-Mitchel join us from the Christian Action Federation to speak to our staff.

Teen Camp 
Kirk Hubick joined us this year for our teen camp and walked through the Gospel clearly and steadily with our campers.

Junior Camps
Our junior camp serve ages 8-12, it is always amazing to see the Lord work in the lives of both our camper sand volunteers. Our programs are designed to involve all of our staff in the teaching and discipleship. It is a wonderful opportunity to speak the message of the gospel into the lives of young people.

Nova Scotia Camp Out
Typically we like to offer 2 different out trips, this year due to the NCEM general conference we wer eunable to offer two, but offered an extended trip to lower Nova Scotia. The discipleship and ministry that happens naturally as we enjoy the week together is beyond measure. We've seen the Lord do some amazing things on these trips. 

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Gospel Coalition Atlantic conference

This year our family had the immense privilege of representing NCEM at the TGC Atlantic conference held at Grace Baptist Church in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. It was a huge blessing and a great benefit to the ministry here to be able to connect with people. We were so pleased to discuss the ministry of NCEM and ANBC with so many engaged pastors and lay-people. It was encouraging to see so many folks interested in the need for Gospel teaching in our First Nations communities in Atlantic Canada.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Honor Shame Conference

It was a tremendous blessing to attend the honor shame conference at Wheaton College in Illinois.  Mark Dana arranged for the men from the NCEM Eastern Field to travel to and attend this conference. Carl, Kevin, Mark & I flew from Fredericton to the conference.

The conference was a tremendous blessing and served to be extremely thought provoking. Considering the cultural moral frameworks that are expressed in our world and the application of the Gospel to those cultures has caused me to see the message of the Good News in whole new dimensions.

In addition to a wonderful conference, the fellowship with these guys was refreshing and a great time.

Kevin Strout, Mark Dana, Grant Fawcett & Carl Sonnichsen

We had some unfortunate challenges with Air Canada, but enjoyed a 10 hour road trip from Montreal instead. 

We were unable to take pictures during the conference for the safety of those who might be working in a closed country. So we took lots of selfies instead.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Spring Work Teams

As always we've been immensely blessed by work team volunteers who came to ANBC and gave of themselves in their talents to accomplish much for the sake of the ministry here. I'll let the pictures tell the story.

The soffit, fascia and window trim was all completed on the office building, and a new large window was installed for the radio studio. 

Over the years we have really come to love this group of people like family. Many of them come year after year to serve the Lord alongside us at Arrowhead.  

What a talented group of folks from Gorrie Bible Fellowship in Ontario. They designed, raised funds for and built this cabin for our sporting goods and waterfront supplies. 

It's always a blessing to have this family join us. Hard working, Gospel loving family who just want to serve Jesus.

We have a new sign at the road, thankfully Rob and Dave were able to adjust for whoever the lug was who didn't measure before he ordered the new signs...  

It was great to have the DeNuke family with us for a day this year - here are some of them - happy dish helpers! 

It's not the same if mom's not here. She get the mailing all ready for the Quiver - you can expect it sometime in the next couple of weeks in your mailbox.  

Matthew and Lester are from Gorrie, they had to sneak away a little bit before the rest of their team so they missed the group photo! Thanks for coming guys. 

Darren Goodfellow at River Signs in Miramichi  put some groovy decals on the camp truck for us! We have our very own HotWheels.

These ladies stained and painted and freshened up all over the place this time. Here they stained the sign by the front gate. It looks fantastic! 

One of the major projects for the Peterborough crew was this amazing new lighting in our dining room! It looks great gang! 

We were joined by a small contingent from Lisbon Falls Baptist Church this Spring as well; Paul Marstaller and his son in law Rick Pierce joined us. Here they are putting up one of the brand new signs we have on our property.  

The guys from Gorrie cut down over 100 dead or dying trees on our property. The chainsaws were buzzing the entire time they were here - tireless guys! 

Jeff did a lot of body work on our truck to help us keep it from rusting. It's looking pretty great now!!

Jamie, Jonathan, Jason and Joshua all worked on a number of welding projects; the biggest project was to make new gates for our new property. They also retrofit our box rack for our new truck and added some hooks to our camp out wagon.