Well my friends, I must apologize for my brief blog absence of late. It has been a busy time and I haven't allowed myself to take time to update all of you on what's been happening here at Arrowhead!
It has been year end, and as the book keeper for Arrowhead Native Bible Center I've had a few extra tasks for my part. I know that out at headquarters the finance department has been, and will continue to be busy as they prepare all of the books from various departments for the auditor. Keep them in prayer as they labour in good stewardship of that which the Lord has seen fit to bless us with.
This Spring has come with a lot of deadfall on the property of ANBC. I've been busy collecting and burning brush this past week. Throughout the week I've had the very welcome assistance of some folks from our church. It's certainly a blessing to be able to enjoy the outdoors this time of year!
Liz and Marcia, Kevin and I have all been busy rounding up materials, supplies and equipment for our work week coming up at Arrowhead. We have teams coming from several different churches, some as far away as Ontario, for the week of April 25th to 30th. These teams are coming ready to work, and will be helping us with MANY projects at the center. I will give you regular updates during our work week and share pictures of all of the work that we are hoping to have done. We are very excited and blessed by the sacrificial work that the work teams will do! We are certainly praying for good weather on April 30th when the largest number of people will be at ANBC to assist us with jobs!
Today we traveled to Sillikers, NB with the
Strouts to share with the folks at
Little Southwest Baptist Church about the ministries at Arrowhead Native Bible Center. What an encouragement it was to be among the folks there. Their enthusiasm for the ministry and concern for First Nations ministry is a blessing to us. I was so excited when we walked in and were greeted by a large sign and sign up sheet for a work day at ANBC on April 30th. There were already 16 people signed up to come along.
It's going to be a great week as we welcome
Len and Lorrayne Breen, our field directors, who will be arriving from Ontario on Tuesday. They will be here for three weeks as we enjoy the work week and prepare for some meetings with NCEM executive in early May. Please keep them in prayer as they travel tomorrow and Wednesday!