Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Off our tracks?

Hey Friends! welcome to

As many of you may already be aware, we have recently applied and been accepted to work with the Northern Canada Evangelical Mission at Arrowhead Native Bible Center in Cumberland Bay, New Brunswick. It is a huge change for us, and some of you may think we're off our tracks, but after some very serious consideration, counsel and prayer we deeply feel that this is where the Lord wants us.

NCEM was founded in 1946 by Christian homesteaders with a deep burden for the Native peoples of Northern Canada. Missionaries are now working with First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples from coast to coast and into the far North. Arrowhead Native Bible Center is a Bible Camp and Conference Center in Central New Brunswick that ministers to people in the Atlantic Provinces. It may sound like a cliché, but the ministry needs are great and the workers are indeed few. We have felt strongly that we need to help keep people from slipping through the cracks. We have made it our personal mandate to help Mind the Gap and serve in whatever ways we can to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the First Nations people in our region.

As most of you know Liz is working as a Pharmacy Tech at the Pharmasave here in Windsor and Grant has been working as a graphic designer for a publishing company in Halifax. As of the spring of this year we never thought our lives would take this direction. Our first mistake was visiting Kevin and Marcia in the spring for what we thought was going to be just a great time visiting friends! They showed us around the camp and told us of ALL the finances, public relations, general maintenance, follow-up with kids on the reserves, etc. etc. Unbeknownst to one another we were each independently thinking, "Hey! I could do that, or... that might be something I could do". Marcia and Kevin have needed and prayed for another couple to join them and help with the work that has to be done. Then when Grant told Liz what he'd been thinking she quickly denied that she had been thinking the exact same thing. After coming home from our trip neither of us could get camp Arrowhead out of our heads. We started praying and talking and talking and praying. Finally we both came to the realization that perhaps this is what God has in mind for us and so we decided to pursue it. We went through the whole application process in the spring and then finally had our interview and were accepted last week.

Now we have the monumental task of getting our house ready to sell and raising support before we move. Since NCEM is a faith based mission we are required to raise our own financial support by finding sponsors, people that support the work that we will be doing. We are very excited about this new opportunity and would appreciate your prayers as we prepare to move.

This blog is intended to be our way of communicating with you on a more regular basis just what it is we're doing in our ministry. We hope to update this space as often as possible with pictures, updates and prayer requests - so stay tuned.

We will be sending out a prayer letter at the end of this week along with a prayer card. If you'd be interested in receiving one just pop us an eMail with your complete mailing address and we will happily send one along!

Thanks for allowing us to share and stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! we will keep you guys in prayer :) Joel and Bina

Anonymous said...

This is very exciting, I'll be looking forward to the progress as I mentioned before. I realize I don't know you that well, but I believe great things are going to be happening with NCEM in the Martimes. Carla and I will be praying.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Grant and Liz. It is good to read your blog and keep up to date with what is happening. You are very much in our prayers!

Love, Mom and Dad