It was a double portion of blessing, in that we were able to share in the conference with our friends Phil and Gracie Welch. The schedule was jam packed and we were spoiled by all of the attention and several wonderful pot luck luncheons.
Day 1 [Friday, May 29]
We arrived prior to the 6:30 service and were enthusiastically greeted and shown to the hall where place had been prepared for us to set up our table. The conference featured three missionary couples and a single missionary lady.
The Friday evening service served as an opportunity for Pastor Grift to introduce the missionaries and the conference. We enjoyed very much a presentation by Willa London, working with the Pregnancy Care Center in Halifax. Noel and Bev Facey of the Gospel for Asia Mission shared with us as a part of their music ministry "On Eagles Wings"
Day 2 [Saturday, May 30]
On Saturday morning the men met at Smitty's and the ladies at Cora's for breakfast. At the men's breakfast we all gathered around a big table for a great time of fellowship. At the close of our breakfast, we were richly blessed with a devotion by Phil Welch.
Liz and I took the opportunity in the afternoon to do some shopping for the upcoming men's breakfast and had our Arrowhead Costco cards activated. We met back at the church at 5:00 for the missions banquet and potluck. Another wonderful time of fellowship and visiting that was followed by the evening service.
We enjoyed some praise and worship with the college and career group band, Dyverted, and were truly blessed and encouraged by the music. The evening service was a lot of fun and featured a Q & A panel with the missionaries. It was a great chance to hear about some of the work of the other missionaries and at the same time gave us the opportunity to think on our feet. After the Missionary Panel we enjoyed a ministry presentation by Phil & Gracie who spiced things up with a bit of trivia and chocolate! And once again we enjoyed some wonderful fellowship following the service.
During the conference, Liz and I were treated to accommodations. A wonderful Christian lady, Pauline, opened her home to us for the duration of the conference. We felt right at home and enjoyed, very much, our time with her!
Day 3 [Sunday, May 31]
This morning Phil and I enjoyed being a part of the men's Sunday School class, while Liz and Gracie shared with the ladies. It was a smaller group and we enjoyed the opportunity to share our testimonies and answer some questions about missions that the men and ladies had!
During the Sunday morning service we were treated to music by the Transformed Quartet as well as the church choir. Elizabeth and I had the opportunity to present our ministry and shared our Arrowhead DVD. And once again we were blessed by Phil Wlech bringing the Word to us in his message for the morning service.
This evening it was a wonderful surprise to see our home pastor and his wife, Jeff and Sharon, and our friend Rebecca, all out to support us! It was a great encouragement to us! Noel Facey brought a missions presentation and I was priviledged to bring the closing message for the conference. And once again we enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship and refreshment in the hall following the service!
It was such a wonderful weekend, and we are so pleased and encouraged to have been a part of it! And I have to say a huge thank you to the good people at Sheffield for their generous contributions to our collection of Canadian Tire Money. Over the course of the weekend they donated nearly $35 to Arrowhead!
Liz and I are off again in the morning to Shediac, New Brunswick to share a ministry presentation with a WMS group and friends. I'll give you an update on that on Tuesday.
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