Well - it was a full week at Arrowhead. We had campers from Millbrook and Saint Mary's, and although we didn't have a lot of staff, we were able to fill all the necessary positions and had a great week of camp. It certainly wasn't without it's challenges, but the Lord provided and there were some wonderful opportunities for ministry and discipleship. We were blessed to have Micah Hiltz with us as chapel speaker. He brought the gospel of Jesus Christ in a chronological way using John R. Cross' "The Lamb" material. It was an excellent week and the gospel was clearly presented.
It's Sunday afternoon now, and we're getting ready to meet the next group of incoming staff. Keep us in prayer this week, that the Lord would bring the campers that He would have for us, and that our hearts and minds would be unified in Him and our focus would be on serving to the greatest of our ability.
The following pictures were all taken by Micah Hiltz, I thought I'd share a few of the shots from the week.

Bonfire time!

A few words from our "camp nurse"

Game time.

Tuck's always a blast!

Our special guest speaker this week, Micah Hiltz!


A nice sunny afternoon paddle!

A refreshing dip in the lake!

Water balloon volleyball is always a hit!
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