Thursday, May 13, 2010

P.A.T.H. Training • day (twentyone)

Today in class we had a high level of interaction. In the study of culture and the importance of recognizing just how challenging it can be, Mike, our instructor scattered the pieces of a puzzle on the floor and had the entire class attempt to put it together in just twenty minutes without the image as a reference. It was a valuable object lesson. We were all involved in some roll play as well as we talked about some of the differences in culture and the challenges in communicating across those lines. It's certainly been a great week in the classroom!

Ben & Nikki Clarke are a couple of the mentors on staff here at P.A.T.H., and they have been going all out to make this a wonderful experience for all of us. They provided us an opporutnity for an afternoon paddle and a few of the fella's threw in a line (to no immediate avail) It was a beautiful day for a canoe outing!

Some more wildlife, we've been hearing these at night as they fly home.

In God We Trust!

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