Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Forest Hills Fellowship Baptist

This past Sunday I had the pleasure of sharing a ministry update and introducing ANBC to the folks at Forest Hills church in Cole Harbour, NS. The pastor, Jonathan MacLeod, and I attended NBBI together - so it was great to reconnect! Some of the congregation were familiar with Arrowhead and our community here in Cumberland Bay. Hopefully we'll see some of them sometime.

I drove down on Saturday hoping to avoid traveling in bad weather - but that didn't help for the drive home on Sunday. I met Tim Long, a pastor and ministry team leader to ANBC from this past summer, for coffee following church. I then hit the highway - and the Lord protected me as I drove. We experienced an abrupt and unusually early snowstorm on Sunday, and although in NS it was just driving rain and wind - by the time I reached NB I was very much looking forward to being at home out of the weather!

It has been a full month of PR, ministry updates and travel, and it's been great to see many supporters and friends and share our ministry with those who are not familiar with ANBC or NCEM. We have two more mission conferences booked and will then be taking a few weeks break from travel. We hope to announce next years schedule before Christmas and will begin staff and speaker recruitment for next years programs!

Today I have been very thankful for the help of three men from my church as we've begun installation of water lines to the "Director's Cabin", "Speakers Cabin" and Office building. I've been on the road so much that it has been difficult to nail down the details of this project - if not for the care and assistance of Matthew, Roger and Rob - we would not be in as good a shape as we are with the project. We will finish installing the water lines tomorrow which will allow for the installation of the water filtration systems at some point this winter.

Matthew getting started on some serious trenching.

Over 600 feet of trench was dug today.

We have very rocky ground, because of the solid bedrock we aren't able to get quite as low as we'd like - so we've used heavier pipe and will cover it all with styrofoam.

This trench will carry water to the directors cabin and then around to the office.

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