(no - these are not the turkeys we fried for the corn boil...)
It's been another great week in Cumberland Bay. We were visited on Monday by some friends of ours who are missionaries to Ecuador - Dick and Carol-Lynn Grover - they are currently on home assignment and have been traveling in Atlantic Canada visiting churches and friends. It was great to have them with us for the night and have some time to share ministries together.
On Wednesday I met with someone at the camp to talk about the possibility of running water lines and installing sewer to our larger cabins and office. We are in the process of looking into this for the future, we'll keep you posted!
It's been cold here lately, and it's got me thinking about winter a little bit. I called and ordered some furnace oil for ANBC this week. It's always a little tight for ANBC in the fall and winter, but Liz and I will be doing some deputation for the center this year to make people aware of the needs of the Center. It is our hope, Lord willing, to find 100 individuals who will commit to support ANBC in the amount of $20 a month to help with all of it's regular expenses (oil, electricity, insurance, vehicles, internet, telephone etc.).
On Saturday morning I held a yard sale up the road at the home of our new pastor and his wife. We had some items left from the last yard sale and have received some more items to host another one. It was a brisk morning, but there were a few people out and we were able to clear out some more of the items. Some of the donated items will be very helpful at ANBC and we have several boxes of items that we will give to goodwill tomorrow.
While I was doing the yard sale thing, Liz was busy back at the Center preparing for a corn boil. We hosted a corn boil for our local church, Cumberland Bay Baptist Church, on Saturday evening. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and a good chance for us to get to know our new pastor a little bit. There was a good turn out and some great vittles!

Tomorrow, Liz and I will be picking up Len & Lorrayne Breen at the Moncton Airport. They are coming down to assist us with preparations for the ladies retreat as well as visiting the Eastern Field missionaries. We always enjoy having them here and are looking forward to seeing them again!
Liz has been busy preparing for the ladies retreat - and there is still room for anyone who would like to come along and join us. There are already a number of groups of ladies planning to attend, so we are excited for a great weekend. For more information about the retreat simply click the link at the top right of this page. This week promises to be quite busy with final preparations - we will be doing the grocery order tomorrow while we're in the city to pick up the Breens.
We appreciate your prayers and continued support as we serve here at Arrowhead. Liz and I are so blessed to be able to minister here with NCEM, and are humbled, that through everything, the Lord has provided for our needs through the faithfulness of you. Our physical needs, financial needs and Spiritual support have been met with the Grace of God - and we are thankful.
Liz has been busy preparing for the ladies retreat - and there is still room for anyone who would like to come along and join us. There are already a number of groups of ladies planning to attend, so we are excited for a great weekend. For more information about the retreat simply click the link at the top right of this page. This week promises to be quite busy with final preparations - we will be doing the grocery order tomorrow while we're in the city to pick up the Breens.
We appreciate your prayers and continued support as we serve here at Arrowhead. Liz and I are so blessed to be able to minister here with NCEM, and are humbled, that through everything, the Lord has provided for our needs through the faithfulness of you. Our physical needs, financial needs and Spiritual support have been met with the Grace of God - and we are thankful.
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