While the Strouts were at Devon Park, Liz and I visited Nasonworth Baptist Church, just north of Fredericton for their camp Sunday. It was so encouraging to be able to share and then to fellowship with the directors of some of the other Bible camps in our area. Dennis MacQuarrie and his family were representing Sandy Cove Bible Camp, a CSSM ministry. And Steve Alward was representing Greenhill Lake Bible Camp. It's during these brief opportunites for our paths to cross that we can share ideas and burdens with one another! The church held a pot luck following the service and we very much enjoyed fellowship with everyone.
This week we've been busily preparing for the summer; connecting with our staff and campers, doing maintenance and Spring clean-up. We are expecting two NBBI students to join us in just a couple of weeks. They will assist with a lot of the physical jobs that need to be done before everyone else arrives.
It's a busy time, please keep us in prayer as we seek to accomplish everything so that the summer camps may be as effective as possible for the Glory of God!
This week we've been busily preparing for the summer; connecting with our staff and campers, doing maintenance and Spring clean-up. We are expecting two NBBI students to join us in just a couple of weeks. They will assist with a lot of the physical jobs that need to be done before everyone else arrives.
It's a busy time, please keep us in prayer as we seek to accomplish everything so that the summer camps may be as effective as possible for the Glory of God!
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