Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the stuffs

I decided to get out of the office this week. Last week I spent catching up on a lot of office work. There is quite a bit to do (and still the list grows).

This week, Kevin and I spent the day cleaning out the shop and main lodge. The dumpster seems to fill too quickly, so when we were in town running camp errands we looked into the possibility of having a larger dumpster. The collection company (Alternate Waste Management) will provide us with a new dumpster (this one will actually have doors) that is twice as large, at no extra cost. We spent time this week doing some cleaning up outside as well, with the help of Mr. Cole our neighbour we burned a large pile of brush that has been accumulating for several years. A perfect winter task, we will likely need to have another fire before Spring arrives. Every year brings lots of windfall and in order to keep the property looking tidy we need to collect it and get rid of it.

We're still working on getting quotes for having an office renovation done at Arrowhead. Headquarters would like us to work out of the Center instead of our homes and as such has agreed to help us make a suitable workspace. Kevin and I are quite excited about having an office to share, it will certainly streamline a lot of our tasks.

It's a beautiful day here, the sun is shining and the fresh snow is glistening. I hope you have a wonderful day where ever you are!

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