Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kejimkujik Camp Out 2015

Due to the success of our Cape Breton camp out in 2014, and the very clear value in the trips, we decided to add a second week to our itinerary. The camp out to Kejimkujik National Park was a huge success. Suzanne Matheson and I took two LIT's (leaders in training) and six teenagers camping in lower Nova Scotia at Kijimkujik Nation Park and Historic Site. It was wonderful to be able to have a private tour of the Mi'kmaq petroglyphs and spend some time paddling on the lake. Of course we took some time at a local theme park for fun too. Relationships were forged, fun was had, Gospel was taught!

We enjoyed a picnic at Fort Anne in Annapolis Royal.

This is the First Nations dedication monument commemorating the petroglyphs.

 Our tour guide showing the kids the petroglyphs in the stone.

Phil & Gracie Welch were so kind to have all of us into their home for a wonderful spaghetti meal before our whale watching excursion.

What can ya say... roller coasters are awesome!

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