Tuesday, March 26, 2013

J2N: Mission Fest Halifax 2013

Once again we trekked to Halifax, Nova Scotia to represent NCEM at Mission Fest. Liz remained behind this year with Ivy, we felt that with the hours and availability of somewhere for Ivy to nap it might be just a little too taxing on baby girl. I was accompanied by Todd Nielsen this year; and we met Phil & Gracie Welch there. It really was a great opportunity for him to network and help us in mobilization and personnel recruitment.

It was a good to be able to share what NCEM is all about and doing among Canada's First Nations people, but it was equally as wonderful to meet and connect with others who are doing similar work. It is amazing to me to see how the Lord seems to be connecting us together. I do have to say though, that I was very disappointed in the numbers of guests to the event. Last year it was wall to wall much of the time, this year I would hazard to say it was down 40% to 50%. I'm not sure for the reason that this might be, but I certainly hope it is not a reflection of the interest level in global missions.

NCEM'ers and friends! Phil & Gracie Welch, Todd Nielsen and I were hosting the NCEM table; Venus Coté, Martin & Sue Bear hosted the St. Mary's Christian Outreach table. 

 It was nice to connect with Dianne Friesen, I had never met her, but have often heard of the work she is doing in Cape Breton.

It was great to connect with friends.

A cafeteria filled with Christian Missionaries, three Muslim ladies wander in with no attention given them by anyone... except my man Todd who promptly furnished them with a Gospel Tract!

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