Monday, June 4, 2012

Ivy Elizabeth Fawcett

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." ~James 1:17
This morning at 5:53am, after a long night, we welcomed Ivy Elizabeth Fawcett to the world with the assistance of a c-section. Little Ivy was nine days overdue on Sunday, and we had an appointment to have labour induced on Sunday afternoon. Everything was looking good, except that through the evening as Liz had contractions, the baby's heart rate would dip occasionally. The doctor decided to keep us here for the whole night and as the contractions increased, so did the problems with baby's heart rate. By five in the morning the labour was progressed along, but the doctor was concerned and they decided on an emergency c-section. And we are so thankful to the Lord that they made that decision. When Ivy was finally born, the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around her little neck. Thanks to the swiftness and skill of the doctors and surgery team, Ivy is healthy and was safely delivered. She weighs 6lbs 3ozs and is 19.75" long.

We praise the Lord for blessing us with Ivy and we look forward to this wonderful new chapter in our lives. We are so thankful for the kind words and congratulations from all of our friends and family, and we can't wait to introduce you to Ivy. We will be here in the hospital for the next few days, but look forward to returning home to Cumberland Bay once Liz has sufficiently recovered.

Our precious little daughter.

Our first family photo.
Of course, they didn't have scrubs in my size... so I got to go in doctor style.


Anonymous said...

She is beautiful, Congratulations!!!!!

Cas said...

Awww. So happy for you. Good job Liz...Take care. Can't wait to see another cute DeNuke baby. They are always so adorable. XXOO

Sean Crowe said...

May God grant you and your wife grace, mercy, strength, and wisdom as you embark upon the ride of your life. Every blessing to to you and your sweet family, brother.

Jessica Kramasz said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful. What a wonderful blessing.

Jeff White said...

Great news! Blessed news! Enjoy this amazing moments. By the way... what Hospital?

Valarie & George Cormier said...

So wonderful to here the joyful news of the arrival of little Ivy Elizabeth...beautiful name for a cute little bundle of joy! Enjoy every moment!

Tammi Lindsay said...

Ivy is beautiful. Congratulations to you both. You will be fantastic parents. I look forward to meeting her one day.

Kameleon said...

Woot! Way to Go Grant and Liz, I am so happy for you and your new bundle of Joy. :)

Rick F